Why Join a Mission Team?

If you’re asking yourself, ” Why go on a mission trip?” we think you’re on the right track! Here are a few reasons you should prayerfully consider joining a team to serve alongside one of our mission partners.

Meet Tangible Needs

Teams can provide additional resources and volunteers for mission initiatives. Through humble, sacrificial service you and your team can help missionaries display God’s compassion to the communities they faithfully serve.

Build Meaningful Relationships

As you seek to know and serve others, your team will do more than just meet immediate needs. You can help the missionaries continue to build bridges of love that are strong enough to bear the weight of truth.

Spiritual Growth

With a teachable heart, you can approach a mission trip as opportunity to not just give but to receive. Serving in a different context will give you a greater awareness of your dependence on God. As you listen and learn, He will give you a greater glimpse of His heart for you and the world.

Inspire Generosity

A long-term face-to-face relationship between real people and real churches has the power to transform the generosity of an entire congregation of givers. When we put a face and a name to a cause, it becomes a priority and challenges us to give above and beyond a simple, one-time gift.


Mission trips are a group effort! Serving together is a great opportunity for multiple gifts and abilities to be activated and developed. Experiencing this as a team is one of the greatest joys experienced on a mission trip.

Life Change

When you take a week to live intentionally, love your neighbors, and see everyone the way that God sees them, you walk away changed. The experience of going on a mission trip can fundamentally shift our worldview and develop a fresh desire to love God and our neighbor right where we live.

Current and future trips

February – Uganda – team is full
April – Albania – team is full
May – Philippines – team is full
June – Uganda – team is full
September – Spain and Albania – space still available
November – Dominican Republic – space still available
Contact Small World Connections for more information if you are interested

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