Three Timothy’s Documentary

A documentary film from Small World Connections

 From the Midwest to Africa and back again….

Three Timothy’s tells the story of a 20 year journey of faith and service within the Body of Christ! 

What does it look like to have the same attitude that Christ had?  Showing Jesus Christ to the world often feels like it might just be an impossible task, yet the Apostle Paul made it clear that it is possible if we allow the Holy Spirit to guide our lives.  He even gave us an example, when he pointed out Timothy, of a man who modeled Christ’s mindset in how he put others first and focused on what matters most to Christ in this world.

We were inspired by Timothy to look for other stories like his that show followers of Christ who are living out this attitude.  

Turns out we didn’t need to look far as we focused our cameras and microphones on three ministries that combined to tell a twenty year story of what creating a Timothy culture in the Church looks like in our world today.

We hope you are inspired by these… Three Timothys