Praise, Thanks and Petition…

This month we would like to ask you join us in prayers of praise, prayers of thanks and prayers of petition. We are highlighting progress made in the resale ministry, opportunity for a mission team to bless our partners in Uganda, the great news that our efforts in Mexico have been a blessing to the church planting effort there and sharing the upcoming plans for a fund raiser for St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital.


Progress in ministry takes many forms.  For our efforts to develop ministry through Helping Hands Resale Shoppes it took the form of a full size shipping container!  With the addition of the shipping container as a storage spot outside our building in Canton Illinois we were able to free up much needed floor space for sales inside the building.  We are thankful that we were able to improve the facility in this way and continue to increase the blessing to the community in Canton.  God is good!

Uganda Mission Team…

Our Go Team Director Steve Waggoner is currently leading a team that is serving our partners at Living Hope for Children in Uganda Africa.  Please pray for the team and for the impact of their ministry there.

22 Ugandan students who are transitioning from high school to college began the Rooted program this week. We are excited for them to have this time dedicated to learning and discipleship and that Steve and his team can help begin that process.

The team returns on February 28th so please keep them in your prayers this week!

Mexico Report…

It was great to attend the ministry report and hear all God is doing in the ministry of Stephen and Anna Price.  They partnered for years in Zacatecas Mexico with our friends Lowell and Sheri Glick.  It was very encouraging to hear how the efforts of Chillicothe Christian Church to provide smokeless stoves there opened the doors for the church plant that is now growing in Central Mexico.  There will be opportunities soon to go and help with the building efforts there so please let us know if you would be interested.

Also it was exciting to hear their plans to move into a new mission field in Guadalajara when they return in July.  Please pray for this young couple and their family as they move into the next phase of their ministry in Mexico!

One Accord for St. Jude…

One of the things we love to do at Small World Connections is help people follow through on using their gifts and talents for the Kingdom!  One Accord is a Christian songwriting community in the Peoria area.  Members of this group are beginning to play out and share their music around Central Illinois.  Also we are committing to record a live 10 song album with original songs that will be a way to raise funds through donations to bless St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital.  Please pray for the outreach opportunities and for the live recording in March.
Also, watch for the album to be available and consider making a donation to the fundraising effort for St. Jude!