Our Legacy
Vadym Kulychenko
Every local church makes disciples in their local community
Vision of sport movement: To create and advance Disciple Making Movements for Christ in the world of sports, fitness, and games in all nations leading to life transformation.
At Our Legacy, we focus on Eurasia (Eastern Europe, Russia, and Central Asia).
Karabin is a team of committed staff and volunteers united in their love for children and their desire to mentor them and make them happy.
Holistic Students: Our Legacy Initiative of Intercultural Education for Ukrainian students that involves trips to the US to visit Christian camps, churches, schools as well as helping Ukrainian students to get initial education in the US. (high school & community college)
Sustainability (Sustainable Ministry Models) — initiative helping indigenous leaders to create and run small businesses to support local work. We train and equip local church leaders in the areas of generosity, stewardship, and resource mobilization.
Fatherhood — A part of the global movement of fathers committed to building unbreakable families and healthy communities. We provide practical parenting tools through training, resources, mentorship, and a like-minded community intent on bringing heaven home.
International Mission Work: Making disciples by teaching conversational English, leading English clubs and camps, serving as ESL teacher, and equipping Ukrainian students to teach English as a second language by native-speaking partners.