Thank you for praying…

This month we want to say thank you on behalf of all our staff.  We can hardly believe that Small World Connections has been connecting a Timothy culture in the Church for over 15 years, but it is amazing to see all that the Lord has done through your prayers and support.

As you can see from the pictures below of our staff and the following pictures from the past year, we have enjoyed serving missions all around the world and doing all we can to take away barriers that would keep Timothys from following their call to serve missions.

On behalf of our Operations Director Carl Baker-Christophel, our Resale Director Matt Ashcraft, our Communications Director Chris Brett, our Go Team Director Steve Waggoner and myself Executive Director Brent Ressler we want to say a huge THANK YOU for your ongoing prayer and support.

Below you will also see a link to our partners at Living Hope for Children with an appeal for you to consider sponsoring a child in Uganda.  We pray that you will be as blessed as we have been to partner with this amazing ministry in Africa.

We also have again included the link below for our partners page on our website where you can learn more about our other mission partners all around the world.  God bless you and thank you for your commitment to pray for our ministry!

Here is the link…