God Answered Prayer …

We have seen God provide the new location for our Helping Hands Resale Shoppe in Pontiac Illinois!  Last month we asked you to pray as we were forced to move out of the location where the ministry in Pontiac started.  Well, this week we are moving into our new spot a block from our former spot.  God had it all worked out and now we get to move in and get restarted.  Please let us know if you can help on October 2nd or 3rd.  Also, if  you are from Central Illinois please stop by on October 8th for the first day of being open in our new spot!
Ministry Team Continues To Serve The Ridge…
Our team from Chillicothe continues to serve the ABIDE Church at Goofy Ridge once per month by giving the volunteer leaders a break and taking our turn leading the youth group games and the Bible study devotional.   This is such a fun time each month and those of us who go look forward to the time there to reconnect with the students and the community as we build relationships.  We would love to have a few more people join us, so if you are interested in volunteering please email us a smallworldministries@frontier.com  Also, please pray for the ABIDE Church as they continue to be the hands and feet of Christ in that community.
Big Opportunity in November…

We will be holding our annual Mission Business Forum that we call The Jump in Valparaiso Indiana on November 9th.  This is a free event that allows those who want to use their business for Kingdom work as well as those who want to fund ministry through business to spend a day learning from and encouraging each other.  Please pray for this event and for God to connect and bring fruit through those connections for years to come!  If you are interested in joining us that day please email us at smallworldministries@frontier.com