We need prayer for our Pontiac Helping Hands Resale Shoppe and we have a lot to be thankful for as well as much to look forward to!!!

Prayer Needed Now…

We have seen God doing amazing things through the resale ministry in Pontiac Illinois.  We found out at the beginning of August that the building we are currently renting was sold and that we had thirty days to to move out.  Well…on September 5th we begin the process of taking everything out of the store and loading it into two semi-trailers.  After much searching and seeking deals for renting we still do not have a new location secured.  We have a few great potential spots that require landlords to work with us, but as of now nobody has given us the greenlight.  Please pray right now for us to secure a deal that will be a blessing to Pontiac for years to come and allow us to move and re-open right away. Thank you for your prayers!

Ministry Team Returns from Thailand…Our team returned recently from Thailand and here is an update from team leader Michelle Booker…

Our trip to Thailand was unlike most mission trips I’ve been on in the past. With only two of us, we had more freedom to be led by the Lord in connecting with multiple churches, ministries, and locations throughout the country. We were able to encourage and pray over the leadership and pastors at three churches as well as with other missionaries. Something the Lord highlighted to us in prayer before leaving was not only serving the Thai people but pouring into the missionaries and Thai believers ministering full time in a country with only 1% of Christians. Many of them are feeling isolated and burnt out. Please join us in praying for all those serving in Thailand and elsewhere. 

With just two of us, it was also easier to minister to individuals God brought along our path. One story was a woman named Boi-fai. The Lord crossed our paths one morning in a supernatural way. She was once serving God but had since walked away with no Christian churches in the area she now lives. Her job is to sweep the alleyway behind a hotel each morning and it’s there we first met and continued to talk and pray together the following days we were in that area. She said God sent us to remind her of Him and the power of prayer. I gave her a Thai Bible that’s easier to understand than some which most Thai people today struggle to comprehend. Pray with us that Boi-fai and her daughter will find other Christian community and fully surrender their lives to Jesus.

The rest of our trip was full of divine connections, including a ministry in Chiangmai called Within Reach Global. It was there we met with the founder, David Joannes, and discussed our bringing future teams to Thailand and serving alongside them to reach college students in some incredible ways. I highly recommend one of David’s books, “The Mind of a Missionary” as well as his podcast called Missions Pulse. 

One of the last days of our trip, God crossed our paths with a couple pastoring a church in Bangkok. They are starting a children’s ministry and praying for someone to come and teach English within their school. We shared a meal together and before leaving, we all sensed that the Lord was connecting us for a greater purpose than what we now realize. 

If you’d like to hear more stories from our trip as well as others in the area who’ve been on recent mission trips, we will be having a night of sharing at a Heart for Missions meeting at 6pm on Tuesday, September 17th. Thank you again to Small World Connections for helping make this trip possible!

Two great opportunities…One of our ministry goals this year is to provide more ministry and mission business training.  We have two awesome opportunities this Fall for you to get involved.
One takes place in Central Illinois and the other in Northwest Indiana.  Please let us know if you are interested in attending either of these or both.  They are free events and they are listed below..,..