Fund Raising for St. Jude, Resale Ministry Gets a Boost and Mission Teams Return and Go…Summer Is Definately Here!!!

St. Jude Fundraising Album
Hope you enjoy our new fundraising album for
St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital.
Click on the link and name your own price. That will be a donation made to St. Jude Runs. Our songwriting community recorded this album of nine original songs….

Ministry Team Returns from Philippines…

Our guys had a great two weeks of ministry in Manila.  They made lot’s of new friends and saw loads of kids come out for sports ministry.  It was awesome to see the passion for serving lived out as these guys celebrated their own graduations from high school and college by heading half way around the world to see how they could help with Kingdom work.  It sparked a strong desire to go back once a year and to serve ministries here as well.

Ministry Team Returns from Uganda…

A  team of nine from Crosswalk Fellowship in Delavan Illinois went to serve our partners at Living Hope for Children in Uganda.  They had a great time visiting all of their ministry locations in Uganda and spending time with children who are sponsored by their church and various church members. What an amazing opportunity to encourage and love on these kids and help them see that Jesus has them connected to a church family in the States that is praying and supporting them as they grow.  Please pray for those who went to be energized and for their to be a renewed passion to serve others at home and abroad.

Jesus in Resale…
We are continually amazed at what God is doing through the four
Helping Hands Resale locations.
Had 34 awesome volunteers and staff turn out on a Monday to share and learn from each other about what God is doing through the ministry at our
Helping Hands resale locations!

We had a lot of fun and it was great to have like minded
friends there from all four stores!

Team to Thailand…
We are praying for Michelle as she returns to Thailand in July and takes a good friend with her.  Michelle writes…

We will be going to Thailand, a nation that is primarily Buddhist and less than one percent Christian. We have the opportunity to partner with a handful of ministries there, not only to join them in serving the Thai people but praying and pouring into the missionaries themselves who are often burned out and in need of encouragement. Our focus will primarily be in street evangelism, prayer outreach, and the distribution of Thai bibles. Some of this will be in the red light district amongst those who are being trafficked. Please pray for many to be open to receiving the gospel and encountering the love of Christ.