
This month we want to thank you for praying and supporting our ministry by sharing a few of the ways we connected a Timothy culture this past month. We hosted a ministry forum where we focused on mission business as a way to make disciples and fund ministry. We spent a few days away with some of our staff to grow in our relationship with Christ and with each other as team members. Finally, we began work on our next documentary film that will tell the 20 year story of our mission partners serving in Albania!

Here you see some of the fun we had at our third mission business forum. All 24 who attended had a great experience learning from and challenging each other in our vision to see business as a way to make disciples and as a way to fund ministry. Please pray for those who attended to be moved further in and further up on their journey with mission business! Big thanks to Tim Bock and Joe Drew for helping lead this forum. We had a blast!

Praise the Lord that we had a great time on our annual staff retreat. A ton of pool, hiking, laughing, eating, bowling and swimming made this a great few days to connect and grow as a staff. Please pray for the impact our time together will have on our ministry as we continue to serve side by side in our Kingdom work!

We are thrilled to begin shooting our next documentary to tell the stories of more Timothys who have others best interests in mind and what matters to Christ. We spent two days shooting in Central Illinois and plan to travel to Albania in the Spring to shoot the rest of the story. Please pray for God to use this film to help inspire more believers to live out a Timothy attitude in the Church!